Learn in the Garden.
The garden’s stunning natural environment and many quiet seating spaces provide the perfect backdrop for our program offerings.
Come take a class, participate in a day-long retreat, or experience a hands-on horticultural experience. Check back regularly to see new learning opportunities. Scroll down to see what we’re offering.
And, to increase access to our programming, we reserve 2 spots in every program for those who need a scholarship or financial assistance. If you are interested in this option please email with your requested class: [email protected].
Class refunds are issued for cancellations up to two weeks in advance. After that refunds are available only if we can fill the spot.
Have an idea for a class you’d like to teach at Western Hills Garden?
Submit your idea here!

Bioeuphoria: contemplation and mark making with natural objects
A mindful and creative practice to foster deep connections with the natural world and inspire new artistic thinking.
Rest in Grief: Meditations on Ecological Change
A very special program to acknowledge the losses of our Mother Earth and explore our individual and collective ecological grief. RESCHEDULED FOR FALL 2024.

Yoga for gardeners
Learn and practice basic yoga moves to incorporate into your garden ritual to avoid injury and promote health.

Forest bathing
Join us for a deeply healing guided walk in our three-acre biodiverse wonderland.