If you like connecting with nature and exploring the visual and healing aspects of plants, you will love this class, designed for artists of all skill levels (never drawn in your life, to beginners, to advanced). Lisa is a skilled artist and teacher who leads with humor and joy and will help you overcome any trepidation about drawing you may have. If you’re more practiced, she’ll help push your work forward.
The day begins with a check in, breathing/stretching, and a blind contour warm up exercise to loosen up and get grounded in the present.
Next is a walking meditation to explore the garden in search of specimens to observe and draw. We will talk about the healing properties of plants and look for plants that resonate with you, bringing cuttings back to the class to work from.
We will engage in several drawing exercises with chosen plants that help us to "draw with our eyes and not our minds.” Each participant will complete several blind and modified contour drawings as well as a completed drawing of chosen plants on paper.
$80 for adults, $50 for children over age 10 (able to sit and draw for one hour). All materials Included.
Snacks, hot and cold drinks, and a simple vegan lunch served. Please bring your own if you have dietary restrictions.
Instructor Bio: Lisa Ostapinski is an artist and art educator based in the Bay Area. She has been teaching art to humans aged 3-65+ for over 20 years in public and private school settings including professional development workshops for teachers, community art projects, mural painting, social practice and social justice work with diverse communities. She is a painter who works with oil paint, encaustic (beeswax) watercolor and metal leaf mediums. She holds a BA in Studio Art from Mills College and an MA in Art and Art Education from The Teachers College Columbia University. Her work can be found at http://www.lisaostapinski.com/ and https://www.instagram.com/honeycombdaughter/.