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Exploring the birdsongs of Western Hills Garden

  • Western Hills Garden 16250 Coleman Valley Road Occidental United States (map)

Join Teresa and Miles Tuffli (of I’m Birding Right Now) for a 2-hour meander through Western Hills Garden to listen closely and soak up Spring’s morning birdsong.

Miles and Teresa will help point out, identify, and discuss the songs and calls of the birds who make this three-acre wonderland their home in spring. Of course, when any birds make themselves visible we’ll look at them, too!

Binoculars will be available to borrow for the walk. Whether you’re eager to learn how to identify the birds vocalizing or you’re simply interested in taking in nature’s wonderful soundscape, this walk is for you! 

$40 includes binoculars, snacks,, hot and cold drinks, and time to wander the garden afterwards.

Instructor Bios: Teresa & Miles Tuffli live in Sonoma County and are both equally obsessed with birds. They photograph and record birds, blog about birds, lead bird walks, teach beginners birding classes, and give birding presentations through local non-profits.

They began this work in 2018 to share what they were learning about birds and to document their frequent birding adventures. Read more about how they got started on their post: The Germination of “I’m Birding Right Now.

April 20

Wooden Egg Painting